Donate To Remove Ads


As you may already know, relies on ads, including Banner and Popunder ads, to sustain the platform. We understand that Popunder ads can be intrusive and annoying to everyone. However, this is currently the primary method we use to monetize the platform and provide the best value to all our visitors.

Running a website on servers comes with significant expenses, particularly for self-hosted sites like ours. We use ads to offset these costs and keep accessible.

In our ongoing efforts to improve user experience, we’ve been exploring alternative monetization methods. This is why we are introducing a Donation alternative.

Here’s how it works: For every week that we receive a minimum of $100 in donations, we’ll turn off those intrusive popunder ads for a full 7 days. The $100 goal does not have to come from a single person; any contribution, no matter how small, will be appreciated.

Your donations will directly benefit you and all our visitors by creating a more enjoyable and seamless browsing experience on StellaPlus. We want to express our gratitude in advance for your support. Your contributions will make a meaningful difference in sustaining and enhancing our platform.

No amount is too small. Your generosity will contribute to a better Stellaplus experience for everyone. ♥ Thank you for being a part of our community!

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